Going the Distance: My Journey Through Knee Surgery and Recovery in 2024
I started to write this blog over two weeks ago, I honestly didn't know where to start. This year didn't go as planned, after my 41st birthday it felt like life threw every curveball my way. 2024 really tested my patience, faith, and resilience.
So, writing about these challenges isn’t easy for me, but it’s my way of processing everything and perhaps inspiring others who might be facing similar trials. Looking back, there were a lot of great things happening at the beginning of the year, like the trips we took from the Grand Canyon to the lovely island of Jamaica. Races I ran and ones I didn't like, the NYC marathon.
In my last blog post I talked about my knee and how the doctors told me I couldn't run for a while until a procedure and more physical therapy. Well, fast forward to October when I was on my last leg of physical therapy and my right knee still wasn't getting better. The orthopedist told me his game plan to not do a major surgery at this time as my knees were healthy and in good condition except for this lesion/abnormality. All of this was happening and I was still moving daily, walking, lifting weights and hiking.
My first medical hit came in the first week of November, I started having chest pains at work. Here’s the back story: I started working in an elementary school as a para professional four days a week right after the pandemic. If you know me well, you know how much I love working with children, whether it's coaching soccer or basketball.
On Monday November 4th, I woke up, did my daily walk on the treadmill, got dressed and left to drop my boys to school and headed to work. Around 10am that morning, I felt this sharp pain in my chest, I ignored it for a few minutes. I realized every time I tried to inhale or exhale it was getting worse. This wasn't my typical panic attack or intense anxiety, I know it wasn't because I've experienced those many times before. I got up to get a drink of water and realized I could hardly turn to the left. As my co-workers suggested, I headed straight to the nurse's office. The nurse took one look at me and said "you're looking pale”, after she took my vitals, she called an ambulance. After several tests, this pain turned out to be nothing more than a chest muscle strain. Long story short, riding in an ambulance as a patient was never on my “to do list” for 2024 but it happened.
Finally, the day came for my arthroscopic knee surgery which was initially scheduled for December 20th but had to be moved to December 13th. I was a little anxious because I had my mind made up for the later date. Anyways, Friday December 13th, I woke up at my usual early 5am, took my last shower for a few days. LOL!
My husband drove me to the surgical center that morning for my 6am, went under anesthesia for the surgery around 7:30am and woke up at 9:40am, looking at my right knee banded up. I was still groggy from the anesthesia so I was kept in the recovery room for a few hours. This started my journey of healing and recovery over one week before Christmas and into the holiday break.
Let me back track a little bit here. When the doctor told me about the surgery, I was a bit anxious at first and the depression that came with not being able to run was already rough. I had to lean on my faith, my village of family and friends to get through the tough days. Yesterday I got my post opt appointment and it was all good news from the doctor. Since my surgery on December 13th I’ve been doing physical therapy everyday on my own and with my Physical Therapist 2 -3 times a week. My doctor said I’m progressing and recovering very well.
I am super grateful that I made it through all the ups and downs this year and for all my amazing family and friends who supported me through it all. I know for sure that they’ve helped me more than they know with every text, phone call, food drop off, offering to drive me to and from physical therapy.
Even though I'm not 100 percent ready for pounding the pavement i.e. however I can walk, and do light activity like the elliptical and the bike. Looks like my year is ending on a good note.
Wishing you Fit Friends all the best for 2025!